Cluver Markotter

Changes in Trust administration at the Master’s Office Part two: Amendment and Deregistration of Trusts

Recently we published an article about the changes in the way the Master’s Office deals with Trust Administration in terms of a Circular issued in March 2017.  Some of the other important implications of the amended procedures are:

Amendment of Trusts:

  • The Master will in future ensure that amendments comply with the prescribed provisions regarding amendments, and will not amend any protected provisions of a Trust Deed.
  • Inter Vivos Trusts can be amended without the consent of the Beneficiaries with vested rights, if the Trust Deed expressly permits the amendment thereof by the Trustees, and as long as the amendment falls within the conditions for amendment as set out in the Trust deed. If the amendment clause does not refer to Beneficiaries, the consent of all the Beneficiaries with vested rights should still be obtained.
  • Testamentary Trusts cannot be amended by the Trustees and Beneficiaries of the Trust, although Beneficiaries may renounce their rights.

Deregistration of Trusts:

Reasons for the termination, as well as proof that the Trust has no further assets or liabilities to be submitted to the Master.

Special Trusts:

The administration of Special Trusts and Trusts created for the receipt of Road Accident Fund Compensation, are contained in the Master’s Circular.

Should you wish to discuss what the impact of the changes would be in respect of a specific Trust Deed, or need assistance with any Trust related administration, you are most welcome to contact our Trust Administration Department today.

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)

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